1. Where are the students going on Wednesday?
A. Malang
B. Yogyakarta
C. Jakarta
D. Surabaya
2. Which temples did the students visit?
A. Candi Wisnu
B. Candi Brahmana, Candi Wisnu, Candi Syiwa
C. Candi Brahmana, Candi Syiwa
D. Candi Syiwa, Candi Wisnu
3. Why didn't the students go to Candi Wisnu?
A. Because Candi Wisnu is closed
B. Because Candi Wisnu is being renovated
C. Because Candi Wisnu is not beautiful
D. Because Candi Wisnu is broken
4. How many hours did the students spend at Kraton Yogya
A. 5 hours
B. 1 hours
C. 3 hours
D. 2 hours
5. What time did the students arrived at Candi Borobudur?
A. 4 PM
B. 5 PM
C. 4 AM
D. 5 AM